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[Is Wataru Endo (Liverpool FC MF)'s wife a celebrity?] Is it true that he got married at the age of 19? Beautiful wife and father with many children

Endo wataru

Wataru Endo, who currently plays for England's Liverpool, is a soccer player who is well-known not only in Japan but all over the world.

He is appointed as the captain of the Japan national team, but on August 18, 2023, he was suddenly transferred from Stuttgart, Germany to the world-famous Liverpool.

From there, in just four months, he was named Liverpool MVP of the month for December.

The video attached to the news published by Liverpool's official X is also cool!!


In this article, we will focus on Endo's marriage, wife, and family, including is it true that he has many children?

Ahead summary

  • Endo got married on January 30, 2013, just as he was about to turn 20 in about 10 days. He was 19 years old
  • He met his wife, Manami, at Kanagawa University.
  • I couldn't find his wife's Instagram.
  • As of January 6, 2024, Endo has 3 boys and 1 girl, ages 4, 7, 8, and 10.
  • On social media, Instagram and X post a lot about soccer, and although they have stopped posting on Ameblo, they used to post a lot about their family in the past.
Wataru's father is wonderful

marriage, wife

A marriage report was posted on the official website of Shonan Bellmare, to which he belonged at the time.

I will be getting married at 19 years old on January 30, 2013, when my 20th birthday will be in 10 days.


So young!!

Below is the full text.

We would like to inform you that Shonan Bellmare's Wataru Endo (No. 3/DF) has registered his marriage with a non-celebrity female (20 years old) residing in Kanagawa Prefecture today, January 30th.

[Endo player comment]
This time, I registered. As Director Cho always says, I look like I'm about 30 years old to everyone, so I think it's a little late for me to get married.
I'm kidding, but now that I have a new family, I want to focus on soccer even more and do my best.
I think it's difficult for my wife to change her environment, but I want to support her as much as I can by helping her with things like meals.
I look forward to working with you

Quoted from Shonan Bellmare official website

Their first child was born in April shortly after their marriage announcement, so there are rumors online that it was a shotgun marriage.

It has been revealed that she is an ordinary woman and her name is Manami, but she has not appeared in public.

Many wives of soccer players have their own Instagram accounts, but I couldn't find their wives' Instagram accounts.

There are still tweets posted about programs that covered Endo closely in the past, and his wife's face was also in the photo.


That's a beautiful wife.

I mentioned at the beginning that Endo is one of three siblings, and has a younger brother and sister, but when I was looking at his younger brother's "X", I saw this post.

Yabecchi posted a video of his younger brother, Satoru, being interviewed before the match against Germany, and I wonder if the person next to him is Endo's wife… But isn't that true?

Yabecchi didn't mention that in the video, but I feel like that's the case.

There is a later post, when Japan decided to advance to the final tournament.


I wonder if the person behind the younger brother who is looking diagonally upwards and holding the little boy in his arms is his wife.

Their fourth child is about this age.

Well, that's just my personal opinion…

She might even be my brother's wife…


Also, I saw quite a few articles that said that they first met Endo's wife when they were in high school, but I couldn't find any articles that talked about that, nor were there any interviews with Endo talking about it. I thought I wouldn't write about it, but his father talked about it in an interview.

Wataru entered Kanagawa University while active as a J.League player, but this was also his wish to learn about the body. In the end, he was unable to balance both of these activities and dropped out after two years, but it was there he met his wife Kanagawa University. It may be early to get married at 19, but my wife and I's stance was that if they wanted to do it, it was fine.''

Quoted from Kodansha “Gendai Business” media

Endo met his wife at Kanagawa University, right?

children, family

As of January 6, 2024, Endo is the father of four children.

  • Eldest son: Riku, born April 24, 2013, 10 years old as of January 6, 2024
  • Eldest daughter: Hinano, born March 7, 2015, 8 years old as of January 6, 2024
  • Second son: Rio, born May 18, 2016, 7 years old as of January 6, 2024
  • Third son: (name unknown) Born on June 19, 2019, 4 years old as of January 6, 2024

This is a close-up video of when Endo was working alone in Sint-Truiden, Belgium.

His wife is not shown, but many of his children are.

This video is an interview with Endo when he was a member of Shonan Bellmare, and is from when his eldest son was 2 years old.

In the interview, Endo also said the following.

My child is a boy, but he really likes soccer, so we kick the ball around together.

Interviewer: “Do you want your son to become a soccer player in the future?”

I think he should do it. If I'm 38 and my son turns pro at 18, there's a chance we could play together, so I'm just going to keep working hard until then and hope he turns pro at 18. That's a dream.

Transcription from YouTube

It would be amazing if Endo and his son played as double CMF for the Japanese national team!

Wataru Endo's SNS

  • Instagram ⇒ Lots of soccer photos and posts
  • X ⇒ There are also a lot of soccer posts here
  • Ameblo ⇒ There are many Endo players who post with their families and feel “warm”. However, the last post was on July 29, 2019.

The birth of our fourth child was also reported on Ameblo.

My name is Wataru Endo.

Thank you for your continued support.

Although it is a personal matter,

Our fourth child was born on June 19th.

He is a boy weighing 3298g.

Currently, my wife and children have been safely discharged from the hospital and are living together.

I was present this time as well.

In front of me, who can only be by my side

With the child who worked so hard to be born

I have nothing but words of gratitude to my wife who worked so hard to give birth to me.

Also, with the addition of a new family member,

I have a strong feeling that I have to do even better as a professional soccer player.

I am now looking forward to a new life with my wife and four children.

I will continue to be a father and a husband.

Also, as a professional soccer player, I would like to do my best to build a happy family.

Thank you for your continued support.

June 24, 2019

Quoted from Wataru Endo's official Ameblo blog

Endo's father was also amazing…a wonderful person.

Wateru 's father is brilliant


  • Endo got married on January 30, 2013, just as he was about to turn 20 in about 10 days. He was 19 years old
  • He met his wife, Manami, at Kanagawa University.
  • I couldn't find his wife's Instagram.
  • As of January 6, 2024, Endo has 3 boys and 1 girl, ages 4, 7, 8, and 10.
  • On social media, Instagram and X post a lot about soccer, and although they have stopped posting on Ameblo, they used to post a lot about their family in the past.



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